A máme tu další hodnocení z dílny RP. Autorem je Mark Squires. Není zajímavých jen oněch 93 bodů, ale i to, co Mark říká o ročníku 2008. Přečtěte si ho dobře. Je totiž evidentní, že vína ročníku 2008 mají skvělý potenciál zrání a časem budou jistě skvělou investicí.
"The 2008 TINTO, the winery’s flagship label, is a blend of Touriga Nacional (55%), Touriga Franca (30%), Tinta Roriz (10%) and Tinta Barroca (5%). Ethereal, showing its oak a bit too much in its youth, and reminding me just a little of fine Rioja, this seems otherwise and remarkably graceful early on, a wine that has a Burgundian feel in the mid-palate. It has that stereotypical iron-fist-in-velvet-glove demeanor, too, as it packs quite a powerful punch underneath the initially elegant and oaky demeanor. The oak should integrate with time, but make no mistake about it, there is a lot more here than oak and this wine has a lot of upside; as with a lot of 2008s, it just may not all be apparent early on. Drink 2012-2028"
neděle 26. prosince 2010
sobota 25. prosince 2010
Robert Parker a excelentní Quinta do Vallado 2008!
Robert Parker hodnotil také nová vína Quinta do Vallado. Mnozí měli o ročník 2008 strach, ale nebyl k tomu důvod.
Vallado Reserva 2008 dostalo 93 bodů a Touriga Nacional 92 bodů! Po Van Zellerovi je to ukázka, že prestižní vinaři z Doura jsou skuteční mistři. Ano vína ročníku 08' jsou jiná než 07', důležité ale je, že j...sou skvělá!
The 2008 RESERVA is 25% Touriga Nacional (from 10-15 year old vines) and 75% an old vines field blend (from 80+ year old vines) aged in new French oak for 17 months. This is a superb Reserva, built for the long haul, with powerful tannins and some astringency on the finish, a worthy competitor to the fine ’07 Reserva, making this a formidable one-two punch from Vallado. It has the best mid-palate concentration of this group of wines, and it should hold up to the tannins. The wine is already—partly!-- absorbing the oak, and seems better balanced the longer it airs out. It drank nicely the next day. Pointed and likely to develop quite well, this is a rather fine performance from Vallado. There were 15,810 bottles produced. Drink 2012-2026.
The 2008 vintage in Portugal is probably not quite as consistent for reds as the 2007 vintage, and they are certainly differently styled, a little crisper and pointed, but on a winery-by-winery basis, some people did as well or better. Vallado seems to have put together a superb 2008 vintage. The wines seem bright and focused, with the structure to age and develop in the cellar. They are wines worth seeking out.
The 2008 TOURIGA NACIONAL was fermented in stainless steel and then aged in a combination of new and old French oak for 16 months. Noting the touch of cream and vanilla on opening, which integrated with some time and should integrate more with some cellaring, this shows exceptionally well, well focused, aromatic and beautifully structured, with subtle concentration—it seems elegant in the mid-palate, but it is very persistent, mouth gripping and never seems thin. It drank rather well the next day, too, after refrigeration overnight. It becomes earthier and shows more character with air. Those who follow the Douro will all rightly say that the best wines are generally the blends, but this is an awfully nice Touriga Nacional with impressive structure, powerful, yet balanced, a candidate for the best monovarietal wine I’ve had from Vallado. While not as deep as Vallado’s Reserva (reviewed this issue), it is fragrant and graceful. It should be approachable young, but a couple years in the cellar would help a lot. There were 26,256 bottles produced. Drink 2012-2024.
The 2008 vintage in Portugal is probably not quite as consistent for reds as the 2007 vintage, and they are certainly differently styled, a little crisper and pointed, but on a winery-by-winery basis, some people did as well or better. Vallado seems to have put together a superb 2008 vintage. The wines seem bright and focused, with the structure to age and develop in the cellar. They are wines worth seeking out.
Robert Parker ocenil nová vína od Van Zellera
Robert Parker awards 95 points and 93 points to our 2008 Douro reds!
Robert Parker awarded 95 points to CV – Curriculum Vitae 2008 Douro red! This is the highest score for all Portuguese wines for the 2008 harvest on Robert Parker’s list.
Quinta Vale D. Maria 2008 Douro red featured also on the top of the list with 93 points.
Below are the notes from RP’s wine critic for Portuguese wines, Mark Squires on CV – Curriculum Vitae:
“The 2008 CV is one of this winery’s prestige offerings, not cheap and in short supply usually, which is one reason for the price spike. It is usually one of my favorites, although not always the right bang-for-the-buck choice from Cristiano van Zeller’s team. This year’s version is potentially brilliant, not quite as rich and sexy as the ’07, but perhaps better structured and more ageworthy. I loved the integration of its parts, the steel underlying the velvet, the ripe, full fruit and the balance. It is rich enough –while remaining elegant in the mid-palate, hardly jammy–so that you don’t at first notice the tannic hit and its bright demeanor. Indeed, it is bright and fresh, not even close to jammy. Make no mistake, too, despite the initial hit of fruit—this has a very serious backbone. As always with wines from this vintage, the ultimate proof may really be a decade or so down the road, when I would expect this old vines bottling to show more complexity and elegance as well, but this is an early wine-of-the-vintage candidate. It drank brilliantly the next day, too, still tight and still evolving. If the price tag is a little too rich for your blood, Cristiano’s ’08 Vale D. Maria is a lot cheaper and awfully fine as well. Drink 2013-2030.”
And for Quinta Vale D. Maria Mark Squires wrote:
“The 2008 TINTO (QUINTA VALE D. MARIA), a Douro blend, is quite a mouthful. Full and mouthcoating, this powerful wine is a worthy successor to the ’07, bursting with what I call “controlled flavor”—meaning, it is neither candied nor cloying and very much seems like real wine with some character. It still makes you say “this is delicious!” The underlying power lurking here is formidable. The longer it was open, the more powerful it became and it seems like a Vale D. Maria built for the long haul. I imagine debates on the ’07 vs. ’08 will go on for some time and the answer probably will not come until they are both a decade or so down the road. It drank beautifully, and perhaps better, the next day after refrigeration overnight, showing much better balance, and a little more character (although it did not drink as well on Day 2 as its sibling, the CV, reviewed this issue). Although it may be approachable earlier, I’d say it will not likely round into form until about 2014-2015. Drink-2013-2027.”
Robert Parker awarded 95 points to CV – Curriculum Vitae 2008 Douro red! This is the highest score for all Portuguese wines for the 2008 harvest on Robert Parker’s list.
Quinta Vale D. Maria 2008 Douro red featured also on the top of the list with 93 points.
Below are the notes from RP’s wine critic for Portuguese wines, Mark Squires on CV – Curriculum Vitae:
“The 2008 CV is one of this winery’s prestige offerings, not cheap and in short supply usually, which is one reason for the price spike. It is usually one of my favorites, although not always the right bang-for-the-buck choice from Cristiano van Zeller’s team. This year’s version is potentially brilliant, not quite as rich and sexy as the ’07, but perhaps better structured and more ageworthy. I loved the integration of its parts, the steel underlying the velvet, the ripe, full fruit and the balance. It is rich enough –while remaining elegant in the mid-palate, hardly jammy–so that you don’t at first notice the tannic hit and its bright demeanor. Indeed, it is bright and fresh, not even close to jammy. Make no mistake, too, despite the initial hit of fruit—this has a very serious backbone. As always with wines from this vintage, the ultimate proof may really be a decade or so down the road, when I would expect this old vines bottling to show more complexity and elegance as well, but this is an early wine-of-the-vintage candidate. It drank brilliantly the next day, too, still tight and still evolving. If the price tag is a little too rich for your blood, Cristiano’s ’08 Vale D. Maria is a lot cheaper and awfully fine as well. Drink 2013-2030.”
And for Quinta Vale D. Maria Mark Squires wrote:
“The 2008 TINTO (QUINTA VALE D. MARIA), a Douro blend, is quite a mouthful. Full and mouthcoating, this powerful wine is a worthy successor to the ’07, bursting with what I call “controlled flavor”—meaning, it is neither candied nor cloying and very much seems like real wine with some character. It still makes you say “this is delicious!” The underlying power lurking here is formidable. The longer it was open, the more powerful it became and it seems like a Vale D. Maria built for the long haul. I imagine debates on the ’07 vs. ’08 will go on for some time and the answer probably will not come until they are both a decade or so down the road. It drank beautifully, and perhaps better, the next day after refrigeration overnight, showing much better balance, and a little more character (although it did not drink as well on Day 2 as its sibling, the CV, reviewed this issue). Although it may be approachable earlier, I’d say it will not likely round into form until about 2014-2015. Drink-2013-2027.”
úterý 14. prosince 2010
Jak se češou olivy v Tras-os-ontes
Zajímá Vás, jak vypadá tradiční sběr oliv pro oleje, které si u nás můžete koupit? Pojďte se podívat...
Sezona sběru začíná v oblasti Trás-os-Montes v prosinci a trvá do ledna. Jako vždy, záleží na mnoha faktorech a každý farmář se rozhoduje podle svých zkušeností. Díky tomu, že se sezona rozprostírá do delšího období ca. 2 měsíců, mohou si lidé navzájem pomáhat. Takže se rodiny a známí přesunují od sadu k sadu a sklidí tak téměř vše, včetně oliv spadlých na zem. Očesání jednoho „průměrného“ stromu ve 3-4 lidech trvá kolem 10-15 minut a v dobrých letech dá kolem 80 kg oliv z nichž se vylisuje kolem 15-20 litrů oleje.
Začíná se brzy ráno (my jsme si počkali na lepší počasí ;) ). Pod strom se natáhne plachta, do které potom olivy padají.
Pak nastoupí lidé s dřevěnými tyčemi a boucháním do větví a přímým strháváním oliv postupně očešou celý strom.
I do tradičních metod proniká technika. Všimněte si mladíka úplně vpravo. Má k dispozici motorový „klepač“ (opravdu nevíme, jak to nazvat). Na konci dlouhé tyče je hák, který se ukotví k větvi a tyč pak větví klepe. Tak se dolů dostanou olivy, které už opravdu visí na vlásku. Ač netradiční, tak je tato metoda šetrnější ke stromu.
Z plachet se vytřídí olivy od kusů větviček a většiny listí. V době ručních lisů v olivách nezbyl ani jeden lísteček. Byla to opravdu práce pro Popelku. Nyní již samotné lístečky (bez kusů větviček) zůstávat mohou, protože současné, více automatizované lisy, jsou schopny olivy během čištění a dopravy na dopravníkových pásech, od listí oddělit.
Nakonec jsou olivy převezeny k lisování. Vše probíhá čistě mechanicky a za studena.
Výsledný produkt můžete ochutnat zde :-)
Výsledný produkt můžete ochutnat zde :-)
čtvrtek 9. prosince 2010
Vyslyšeli jsme vaše výzvy
...a přivezli jsme sadu skvělých ale levnějších vín v kategorii do 200 Kč.
Zároveň jsme tak rozšířili naší nabídku i o nové "mladé" vinařské regiony Portugalska - Alentejo a Dão.
Skvělé Quinta de Cabriz Colheita Sleccionada, ročník 2008 s 90 body od WineSpectatoru za neuvěřitelných 150 Kč!
Lehčí jemné bílé Casa de Santar, ročník 2009 s 87 body od WineSpectatoru za 170 Kč
Šťavnaté červené Casa de Santar, ročník 2007 s 88 body od WineSpectatoru za 180 Kč
Neuvěřitelné červené z Doura Palestra, ročník 2008. Ročník 2007 dostal 91 bodů od WineSpectatoru! 2008 má zatím 89 bodů, ale zato už stačil vyhrát zlatou medaili v Berlíně - Berliner Wein Trophy
Seriozní jednoodrůdové víno Cabriz Encruzado, ročník 2009 s vynikajícícm hodnocením 17/20 od Revista de Vinhos za 190 Kč
A konečně náš bestseller, jemně kořeněné červené Monte da Cal, ročník 2007 s 88 body od WineSpectatoru za 190 Kč.

Zároveň jsme tak rozšířili naší nabídku i o nové "mladé" vinařské regiony Portugalska - Alentejo a Dão.
Skvělé Quinta de Cabriz Colheita Sleccionada, ročník 2008 s 90 body od WineSpectatoru za neuvěřitelných 150 Kč!
Lehčí jemné bílé Casa de Santar, ročník 2009 s 87 body od WineSpectatoru za 170 Kč
Šťavnaté červené Casa de Santar, ročník 2007 s 88 body od WineSpectatoru za 180 Kč
Neuvěřitelné červené z Doura Palestra, ročník 2008. Ročník 2007 dostal 91 bodů od WineSpectatoru! 2008 má zatím 89 bodů, ale zato už stačil vyhrát zlatou medaili v Berlíně - Berliner Wein Trophy
Seriozní jednoodrůdové víno Cabriz Encruzado, ročník 2009 s vynikajícícm hodnocením 17/20 od Revista de Vinhos za 190 Kč
A konečně náš bestseller, jemně kořeněné červené Monte da Cal, ročník 2007 s 88 body od WineSpectatoru za 190 Kč.

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